Category Archives: Police Abuse of Power

It’s always about “the children”

Whenever a Government Official starts talking about a program that affects all citizens yet is done to “protect our children”, they are taking a page right out of the Nazi Propaganda Manual – page one. Your B.S. Detector should immediately be going to ELEVEN.

In the latest variation of this tired tactic Eric Holder argues that new encrypted cell phones will lead to an incease in abused children.. He ignores the obvious importance of the technology in keeping ALL of us safe from cyber criminals and hackers. And the simple fact that all of the data can be retrieved from “the cloud” with a court order, he just wants any cop who stops you to be able to look through your cell phone pretty much at will – you know, kind of ignoring that pesky Constitutional right to be Secure in Our Persons, Places, Papers and you know generally private stuff like that, unless with a warrant supported by probable cause, oath and affirmation, all those little things the Government has been so fond of considering optional lately.

Essential Back to School Supplies?

As we send our kids back to school at the start if a new school year, we have to wonder if their School Districts possession of functional military battlefield equipment is a good thing, MRAPs, fully automatic M16 Assault Weapons, Grenade Launchers, even.50 caliber machine guns…
Just some of the miitary equipment acquired.


It’s bad enough we all now face a Militarized Police presence in even our small towns, a new Warrior Cop mentality instead of “To Protect and Serve”, but now we are indoctrination our kids to quietly submit to the jack booted repression of an occupying Military in their midst. An SS, a Gestapo – stopping them to “check their papers” or just scan their faces & DNA into the system that will in the future watch our every move.

The NSA is so completely above the law it ignores Federal Court Orders

The NSA, part of the Executive Branch of the US Government, now considers itself a power into itself and above all laws – effectively negating the ability of the Judicial or Legislative branches to act as a Check or Balance on runaway Executive power (even though those branches have virtually abdicated their responsibilities there).
This would be skin to Congress cutting all finding to the NSA, but having it continue to operate by taking money directly from all of our computerized bank accounts (which they have free and unfettered access to).
It is simply WRONG!
This is the exact path to dictatorship.
The founders left one final right and responsibility to us as the Citizen Populace – rebellion in the face of Executive Oppression. Let us hope it never need come to that.

Too Big To Comply? NSA Says It’s Too Large, Complex to Comply With Court Order | American Civil Liberties Union

Snowden : Traitor or Patriot?


What is your opinion of Snowden?

As for me, the man is a patriot.

Give me Liberty or Give Me Death” is a hallowed phrase from our drive for independence; Edward Snowden risked death to reveal a deep dark hidden threat to every American’s liberty.  If we have any hope of reigning in an out of control executive branch in the face of complete abdication of that responsibility by the legislative and judicial branches, then we need more like Snowden, not fewer.

All of our original patriots and heroes were called Traitors to Mother England as well!
Hurley’s Snowden Blog

SOP-303 & the death of dissent & free speech in the USA.

If you are a government that needs to suppress all dissent in times of a self defined “national emergency” how would you go about doing it? Why, you would implement something like Standard Operating Procedure 303 – shutting down all cell phone and internet traffic in a region or even COUNTRY WIDE to keep people from being able to communicate SOP 303. How does this square with the First Amendment and your constitutionally protected rights of Free Speech and Dissent? Quite simply – It DOESN’T. It is an out and out violation of it – no matter the pretty sounding excuses about national security that have been used by dictators throughout the ages to justify their actions. Only a dictatorship needs to control the expression and communication of its citizens like this.

Who Protects You and Your Family – NOT the police!

While “To Protect & Serve” is written on the side of many of our nation’s local polics patrol vehicles, recently many have come to realize that the truth is that that motto only seems to apply these days in many instances if you happen to be wearing blue with a badge. The police in many recent cases seem most concerned with serving and protecting their own – and the community and its citizens be damned.
And this attitude is not only ingrained in the rising “warrior culture” in law enforcement, but it is also legally supported – The police have NO legal duty to provide you with any sort of protection – at all; as shown in tbis NRA news story at:

So who are you left to count on to protect yourself and your family?
That is just one of the MANY reasons the 2nd Amendment and the Right to Bear Arms is so fundamentally important. Because it is what empowers your inherent Right to Self Defense and gives you an ability to protect yourself and your family in todays modern world. Firearms are called “The Great Equalizer” for a very good reason, in that they enable the weak to stand up to the strong, the old to the young, the infirm to the able bodied, the lone family protector to a gang of young thugs.

And, because the gun you grab when you hear that window break will probably only have one magazine in it, while the people breaking in, with time to plan may be bringing more – make sure you do not surrender your right to make sure that single magazine can hold enough rounds to take care of any situation. Large Capacity magazines were designed for, and favor the defender, because any attacker can carry as many magazines as they need – whatever capacity limits may be in place. The defender usually only gets the one in the gun he quickly grabs in response.

Don’t think that just because a gun control advocate prefaces his proposed restriction as a “common sense” restriction – that in the real world it will make any sense at all. It may be designed to sound good in a quick discussion – but many of these things often will create more problems than they are intended to solve because they simply don’t work in the real nitty gritty world.

Never surrender a civil liberty or a right, because once surrendered it will never be recovered. Millions died to obtain the recognition of, the codification of, and to preserve those inherent liberties and civil rights – you do not have the right to discard or dispense with them for all of us – no matter what you think your “justification” is.

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